All Weather Notifications
- 9/29 (Sun) Carmel: 3 to 4:30 pm classes cancelled. The 1 to 2 pm & 2 to 3 pm classes were also cancelled today. Make-up class for 1 to 2, 2 to 3 and 3 to 4:30 pm classes will be held on Sunday – 10/6 (same location and time as your regular scheduled class).
- 9/23 Fall Creek Junior High – classes cancelled this evening. Make up 9/30
- 9/22 (Sun) Carmel: Adult classes are on!
- 9/22 (sun) Fall Creek Junior High – Real Ball class cancelled. Email will be sent out regarding make up
- 9/22 (Sunday) – Carmel: Noon to 4:30 pm classes are cancelled (red, orange, orange/green, real ball classes are cancelled). Make-up classes will be held on 9/29. Adult classes please check back, we will post an update around 3:30 pm.
- 9/22 (Sunday) – Carmel: Red ball classes are cancelled. We apologize for the late notice.
- 8/1 (Thur) Fishers Junior High. Evening classes rained out. Email will be sent out regarding make up
- 7/24 (Wed) Fall Creek Junior High. 6.30-8pm adult point play class rained out.
- 7/24/24 (Wed) Creekside Middle School 5:30 pm class suspended for rain and lightning. All other evening classes cancelled. Make up options will be emailed.
- 7/24/24 (Wed) Carmel High School 5:30 pm class suspended for lightning and rain. All other evening classes cancelled. An email will be sent with make up options
- 7/11 (Thur) Fishers Junior High. All evening classes cancelled. Make-up 8/1
- 7/9 (Tue) Fall Creek Junior High evening classes cancelled. Make-up 7/30
- 7/9/24 (Tues) – All Carmel Evening classes (Creekside MS & Carmel High School) are cancelled. Make-up is 7/30.
- 7/9/24 (Tues) Carmel High School Real Ball 10:30-12 pm and 12- 1 pm classes cancelled. Make up Friday 7/12
- 7/9 (Tues) Fishers Junior High. Red Ball, Orange Ball and Real Ball rained out. Make up is Friday (7/12)
- 7/9/24 (Tues) Carmel High School Pre-K to K: 8-8:30 am, Red Ball 8:30-9:30 am and Orange Ball 9:30-10:30 am cancelled for inclement weather. Make up 7/12 Friday.
- 6/26 (Wed) Carmel High School 5:30 Red Ball class rained out. An email will be sent out with makeup options.
- 6/26 (Wed) Fall Creek Junior High. Both Adult Classes Cancelled. Email will be sent out regarding make up.
- 6/26 (Wed) Carmel High School 5pm pre-k class cancelled. Email will be sent regarding make up options.
- 6/26 (Wed) Carmel High School 8:30 am Red Ball Class rained out. Make up 6/28 Friday.
- 6/26 (Wed) Carmel High School 8-8:30 am Red Ball class rained out. Make up 6/28 Friday
- 6/18 (Tuesday) Carmel High School Real Ball Advanced 10:30 am class canceled due to rain. Make up 6/21 (Friday) at 10:30 am.
- 6/18 (Tue) Fishers Junior High. Orange ball and Real Ball morning classes cancelled. Make up is Friday (6/21). Same time, same location.
- 6/18 (Tuesday) Carmel High School Orange Ball 9:30 am class canceled for rain. Make up 6/21 (Friday) at 9:30am.
- Tuesday 6/18 Carmel High School Red Ball 8:30 am canceled for rain. Make up Friday 6/21 8:30 am.
- 6/5 (Wed): All Carmel Classes (Creekside & Carmel High School) are cancelled/rained out. Make-up class will be held on 7/31.
- 6/5 (Wed) Fall Creek Junior High. Adult Classes rained out. Make up 7/31
- 4/29 (mon) Fall Creek Junior High Classes cancelled this evening. An email will be sent out with make-up options.
- 4/27 (Sat): Creekside 10 am Orange Ball class cancelled. It just started pouring at Creekside. An email will be sent out with make-up options.
- 4/10 (Wed) Fall Creek Junior High classes CANCELLED due to rain. An email will be sent out with make up options.
- 9/17 (Sun) Carmel High School Adult Classes 4:30 & 6:00 pm canceled due to rain. Make-up class is on Sun – 10/1.
- 8/23 (Wed): Classes are ON tonight! If you cannot attend due to the heat you can do a make up class.
- 8/14 (Mon) Fall Creek Junior High – All classes cancelled this evening. Make up 10/2
- 8/9 (Wed) Fall Creek Junior High – All classes cancelled. Make up 10/4.
- 7/28 (Fri) – Carmel High School: Real Ball – Noon to 1 pm class cancelled. An email with make up info will be sent out today.
- 7/24 (Mon) – Fishers Junior High: Orange Ball class cancelled. Email to be sent out about make-up. 6.30pm classes are still on.
- 7/24 (Mon) – Fishers Junior High: 5pm Pre-K class cancelled. An email was sent out with make-up information.
- 7/17 (Mon) – Fishers Junior High: Red Ball and Adult evening classes are cancelled. An email was sent out regarding make-up class.
- 7/17 (Mon) – Carmel High School: Orange Ball, Real Ball, and Adult evening classes are cancelled. Make-up class is on 7/31.
- 7/5 (Wed) – Fall Creek Junior High: All evening classes cancelled. Make-up 8/2.
- 6/29 (Thurs) – Fishers Junior High: All evening classes cancelled. Make-up 8/3.
- 6/26 (Mon) – Fishers Junior High – All evening classes cancelled. Make-up on 7/31.
- 6/26 (Mon): Carmel High School – Pre-K (5 to 5:30 pm) & Red Ball (5:30 to 6:30 pm) cancelled. Make-up is 7/31 at Creekside Middle School. All other classes are on.